Featured Products

Battenburg Bath Towel. Princess Battenburg 28x46". Ecru color

Battenburg Bath Towel. Princess Battenburg 28x46". Ecru color
Model: Battenburg Bath Towel Princess

Battenburg Bath Towel Princess Battenburg Desing Size 28" x 46" Ecru Color Cotton

Battenburg Butterfly Book Shelf Decor. Ecru colored.

Battenburg Butterfly Book Shelf Decor. Ecru colored.
Model: Butterfly Book Shelf Decor SM E

Battenburg Butterfly Book Shelf OR Cabinet Shelf Decor. (Small 13x13"),. Ecur color. Cotton. 1 piece.

Battenburg Lace Old Fashioned Battenburg Angel. 8" ( 1 piece)

Battenburg Lace Old Fashioned Battenburg Angel. 8" ( 1 piece)
Model: Battenburg Angel Old Fashioned

Battenburg Lace Angel. Old Fashioned Battenburg Lace Angel. About 8" Tall. ( 1 piece / order)

Battenburg Lace Windows Swag. White

Battenburg Lace Windows Swag. White

Windows Swag. Princess Anne Style. Battenburg Lace Come as a set of 2 swag. Size: 35" width x 38" length 100% Cotton

Battenburg Money Envelopes (12 pieces)

Battenburg Money Envelopes (12 pieces)
Model: Battenburg Money Envelope

Battenburg Moeny Envelopes. ( I.D. 4" x 5.5"deep). All Cotton. 12 pieces.

Black colored Hemstitch Guest Towel. 14" x 22"

Black colored Hemstitch Guest Towel. 14" x 22"
Model: Black Hemstitch Guest Towels

Black colored hemstitch guest towel 14" x 22". Ramie & Cotton Fabrics

Granny Square Blocks with Tassels Crochet Tablecloth. 70x106"

Granny Square Blocks with Tassels Crochet Tablecloth. 70x106"
Model: Crochet Granny Sq. 70x106

Hand Made Crochet Lace Tablecloth. Vintage "Granny Square Pattern with Tassels around the edges 70" wide x 106" length. All cotton....
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Heirloom Pineapple Battenburg Windows Curtains Set.

Heirloom Pineapple Battenburg Windows Curtains Set.
Model: Battenburg Windows Curtain Set

Heirloom Pineapple Battenburg Lace Windows Curtain Set. Each Set has the following: 2 panels. Each panel.(35" width x 84" length) 1...
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Hemstitch Appetizer Napkin. 4.5"x4.5". Extra Fine Slim Trims

Hemstitch Appetizer Napkin. 4.5"x4.5". Extra Fine Slim Trims
Model: Hemstitch Appetizer 4.5x4.5"

Hemstitch Appetizer Napkin. 4.5"x4.5". Extra Fine & Slim Hemstitch Trmming Ramie & Cotton. White.

Old Fashioned Battenburg Lace Bed Coverlet. Twin Size

Old Fashioned Battenburg Lace Bed Coverlet. Twin Size
Model: OF Battenburg Bed Coverlet Twin

Old Fashions Battenburg Bed coverlet Twin size. Size: 68"x90"

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